I refuse to watch the Olympics. Not because of the opening ceremony, but because the officials on the International Olympic Committee have allowed transgender men into the women’s boxing competition. I would like to know where the women’s voices speaking against this outrageous, insane, and moronic practice of allowing transgender men into the boxing ring with women. Who thinks this is an okay idea? Does this bring diversity and equality closer to reality, because a man could beat up a woman in a boxing competition? Really? Where are the male athletes and why aren’t they speaking out and calling this kind of competition unfair, and challenging these transgender athletes to enter the ring with real men with real talent and ability? Why does a transgender man get the right to compete with women? What kind of society have we allowed to take away the right of women to be women and men to be men and condemn the mental illness of a transgender person? There is no transgenderism. It is evil, it is from Satan, and I refuse to even acknowledge such stupidity that is being thrust upon us by this subculture of insanity.
This is the kind of activity that will prevail in the last days. Men will think they are women, and women will think they are men … it’s all part of a Satanic coup that tells God He has lost His creation to the insanity of His enemy Satan. Satan has an agenda. He wants to implode everything that God has created, from marriage between a man and a woman, to a confused transgender person thinking they are the opposite gender. God makes it clear … His creation is male and female, there are no other options, period. Satan has convinced people there are a myriad of choices of who you are and how you can identify. The influence of evil is so pervasive that you could easily convince people today that they are aliens here on assignment. Part of this evil slippery slope phenomena is because people refuse to believe the truth. You could present a Biblical message of the Gospel, telling people that Jesus paved the way to eternal life for anyone who believes, versus the craziness of accepting the 84 various genders one could pick from to find identity … and the identity people win.
I’m sorry, but have we have lost our minds in accepting any of this? God will not be held hostage for long by this crazy world. Let me say, He is merciful, patient, and long suffering, but as in Noah’s day, His mercy was apparent for 120 years as Noah built the Ark. Then God said, “Enough,” and it began to rain. Will He do the same in our day? The message of the Church is about God’s grace in Jesus Christ, but when will that grace end? That is a great question, and if we read the Book of Revelation, we begin to realize God is not dormant. He will bring this crazy world into focus, and no one will defy Him. He has promised to bring judgment to end this world for the Kingdom He has promised through His Son, Jesus Christ. I’m surprised that many Christians are not aware that His Kingdom will be ushered in once the evil in this world is judged. I started this article talking about the Olympics and the insane practice of allowing transgender men to complete with women. This is just a symptom of a greater problem of evil overpowering the world, with ideas that Satan hopes will embarrass God by his ability to corrupt their thinking. It will work for a season, but beware … God cannot be defeated or be replaced. His plan will succeed, and eternity will be free of the insanity of what we are witnessing today.
Challenging the Culture with Truth … Larry Kutzler