Many times, in the course of our Christian lives, we hear an emphasis on Jesus coming back. Recently, it occurred to me that His main reason in returning is to take over. Yes, you read it correctly … to take over. There are five reasons that I believe this take over is necessary in His quest to fulfill God’s plan for this world.
He takes over so that He will be able to set up His kingdom. His first coming was focusing on setting mankind free from sin, evil, and death. His death on the Cross and subsequent resurrection began a movement that later become known as Christianity. However, He promised to return. Prior to that day, the world will be in denial of God, living for selfish goals, and the world with be in turmoil like it hasn’t since the history of human beings. His return will signal the beginning of the end of this world. The control of governments, the economic wealth, the immoral philosophies, and practices will all be judged and removed from the earth.
He takes over to administer God’s wrath on earth, commonly called, ‘The Tribulation.’ The Book of Revelation chronicles this time as a time of judgment against evil people, evil systems, and against Satan, the prince and power of the air. The key to this judgment is Jesus. He was given the authority to judge the world, because He was given the authority to save the world when He died on the Cross. His judgment will be perfect. He will know who belongs to Him and who doesn’t. Many people who have make a living preaching the Gospel, and presenting a Christianity as the only way, may not themselves make it to heaven but be judged with those who hated God.
He takes over to remove evil for a time. This means He imprisons Satan and his kingdom with all evil entities, for a period of a millennium. During that time, there would be no presence of evil on earth. Jesus will rule the earth along with His Bride, the Church. Later, Jesus will release Satan for a season.
He takes over to judge the living and the dead. Revelation Chapter 20, speaks of a Great White Throne that will be occupied by the Lamb of God, Jesus. He makes the perfect judge, because He was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind on the Cross. Perfect on the Cross, perfect from the Throne. He will judge from the two Books. The first Book is the Book of Deeds … how did this person live, act, and behave? It will reveal the kind of person you were, and many times this will be enough for the person to realize they desire hell. However, a second Book will be opened … the Book of Life. This Book is the recorded names of those who made Jesus their Lord and Savior, and if your name is missing from its pages, it won’t matter how good you lived your life, you have no hope of heaven. When Jesus told his earthly audience about who they should fear, He was talking about Himself. Luke 12:5 But I’ll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, he’s the one to fear.
He takes over to create a New Heaven and a New Earth. Jesus will create everything new again, a paradise with no memory or residual of the old world. No more pain, sorrow, heartache, or death. Jesus will be at the center of this New Earth, and all the blessings of God will flow from Him to all inhabitants of this New Earth. Evil is no more … totally eradicated forever.
Jesus is coming back to take over. My encouragement to you today is not to worry what this world does, or where it goes … it will one day end, when Jesus takes over. Remind yourself of that fact. Jesus is coming to take over. Remind your family, your friends, and even your enemies. This world today is under the influence of evil, but not for long … Jesus is coming back.
Challenging the Culture with Truth … Larry Kutzler