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with Dr. Nathan Unruh

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Unseen Stories


Have you ever wondered about the stories hidden behind the smiles of the people you meet?


In this episode of Monday Morning Mindset, we’re drawing inspiration from Chick-fil-A’s powerful message, "Everyone Has a Story."


Join us as we explore the beautiful, untold stories that surround us every day.


After all, your small act of compassion might just be the turning point in someone’s story.

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Why Teamwork Beats Solo Efforts


Ever wondered how to achieve fast results while setting yourself up for long-term success?


Here’s the secret: "If you want to go quick, go by yourself. If you want to go far, go together. If you want to go quick and far, find a tribe."


We’ve all heard about the power of teamwork versus solo efforts, but let’s dive into the magic of finding your tribe!


Check Out this episode of Monday Morning Mindset and explore how your tribe can turn challenges into stepping stones and accelerate your journey to success.

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Keep the Fire Burning


Starting something new feels exhilarating, doesn’t it?


Whether it’s a fresh project, a new job, or a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, that initial burst of excitement is powerful.


But here’s the question ... Can you keep that fire burning when the going gets tough?


Join us in this episode of Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh, and let’s fuel your journey from excitement to enduring success. Don’t just start strong ... finish stronger!

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How Will You Start Winning Today?


When you know your destination, you can map out the best route.


Ask yourself, is what you’re doing today shaping the future you want?


Join us for this Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh and discover how steady effort creates big results!

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Are You Loving the Growth Process?


Instead of just aiming for a goal, what if the real joy is in the growth?


When you celebrate the process, the ride becomes a lot more thrilling.


Tune in to this Monday Morning Mindset to discover how a Growth Mindset can transform your approach to success!

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The Japanese Secret to a Long Life


There are seven Blue Zones in the world. These are the cities with the highest percentages of centenarians.


What are their secrets?


In Japan, home of the bluest of the blue zones, it’s the idea of Ikigai.


Pronounced 'EYE-kee-guy,' it’s the meaning and purpose of life.


In this Monday Morning Mindset, Nathan Schock reveals the 10 Rules of Ikigai.

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Thank God it’s Monday!


We’ve all heard the phrase, “I hate Mondays.”


What if you flipped that hate to love?


Don’t lose 20 percent of the workweek to a bad mindset.


In this Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh examines the ways to look at Monday and express gratitude for the one day of the week that so many dislike.

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Is Your Success Taking Root?


Success can start off slow, just like bamboo.


What if the breakthrough you’re waiting for is already in progress?


Join us for this Monday Morning Mindset to explore how persistent effort can lead to sudden, impressive results!

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Who’s Motivating Your Motivator?


The reality is that nobody is a better motivator for you, than you.


If you’re looking to other people to get you going, to make you do what needs to be done, to finish the things you start, to make the calls you need to make, or write the proposals you need you to write ... it won’t last.


In this Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh tells us why YOU are your only true motivator.


Personal fulfillment, professional success, and community impact are nearly impossible if you don’t find feed yourself. Find out how in this message.

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The X-Factor in Every Win


Is Your Attitude Changing the Game?


Attitude isn’t just important in sports ... it’s everything. It can lift you up or drag you down. It’s the secret sauce that makes or breaks teams, companies, and even relationships.


Join us for this Monday Morning Mindset to discover how the right attitude can turn challenges into opportunities!

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Journey's Lights Red vs Green


Life mirrors traffic lights, offering red lights (challenges) and green lights (opportunities).


In this episode of Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh explores how embracing both fosters growth, adaptability, and guides us toward our individual paths.


Let's rejoice in every green light as progress and each red light as an opportunity to pause, reflect, and realign with our true purpose.

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Lose the I and Gain the 3 H’s


Are you focused on you or are you looking for ways to serve?


In this episode of Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh pulls apart how identifying your H3 can help to become self-aware of yourself and lead to more success.

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This is Not About Your Feelings


As human beings we all have feelings and those feeling matter. Let’s make that point clear, YOUR FEELINGS MATTER!


At work, at home, in the community there will come a time when working with others that feelings will be affected.


The challenge is to quiet those emotions and put your needs aside to better serve the business and your customers.


In this episdoe of the Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh discusses the importance of the code of honor and the role of your feelings.

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Eleven Letters That Can Change Your Life


There are only 11 letters in this simple phrase: Face it, fix it.


Just four words. Thirteen characters with punctuation.


And yet there is a profound statement in so few letters. Because within there lies the solution to so many of the problems we face.


Now, that may seem like an oversimplification.


But as Dr. Nathan Unruh says in this Monday Morning Mindset, it encompasses the entire notion of 'living above the line' from the Ladder of Accountability.


Eleven letters that can change your life

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Power of Quiet Actions


What inspires your efforts? Selfish aims or a genuine aspiration to make a meaningful difference?

We all crave validation and acknowledgment for our efforts, talents, and accomplishments. But ever wondered where does true fulfillment really comes from?

Join us in this episode of Monday Morning Mindset, where Dr. Nathan Unruh shares a glimpse of life when you step back and embrace simplicity.

Remember, quietest actions often speak the loudest.

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Show Me the Baby!


The pain of discipline and the pain of regret.


Dr. Nathan Unruh has a story for you in this Monday Morning Mindset that links pain and delivering that baby.


So, you’re probably thinking, “Um, Nathan, I think I know that delivering a baby is painful.”


Of course you do. It’s a metaphor silly. Just play along.


Do you want the baby but not the pain?


Find the talents and skills that lie within you to experience the right kind of pain in this message from Dr. Unruh.

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Are You Hard of Hearing? Or, Just Not Listening?


Listening is such an important skill that many have not mastered.


In this Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh identifies 4 bad listening behaviors that he learned from Kate Murphy’s book 'You’re Not Listening.'

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Pump Up Your Tires for a Smooth Ride


Business is like riding a bike.


It’s not what you think.


It’s true that you never forget how to ride. But if you leave the bike over in the corner of the garage for a few months and then jump on, it might be tough going.


Why? There’s not enough air in the tires.


It works the same in business. If you don’t constantly review your vision and fundamentals, your organization can leak a little air and things get sloppy.


Learn how to put some air back in your organization in today’s Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh.

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Choose Your Reality ... Cause vs. Effect


Curious about the mindset shift that can unlock joy, freedom, and limitless possibilities in your life?


At the core of our experiences lie two distinct mindsets ... being at cause and being at effect. These mindsets shape how we perceive and interact with the world around us, influencing the quality of our lives.


On today's episode of our Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh invites us to take ownership of our thoughts, feelings, and actions that will allow us to create the life we desire.

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Keep Tying, Keep Trying


Visualize the countless times you've tied your shoes. It becomes nature, a habit we carry out without a second thought.


Join us on today's episode of Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh as he explores the hidden meaning within the seemingly ordinary act of tying our shoelaces.


Stay tuned, keep moving forward, and never underestimate the profound impact of small, persistent actions in reaching your goals.


Always remember, consistency is power.

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Embracing Conscious Living


Have you ever considered how the word "HAVE" implies possession, obligation, or necessity?


What if we replace "HAVE" with "CHOOSE"? By doing so, we reclaim our power and acknowledge that our actions are driven by conscious decisions rather than external obligations.


Jump on today’s Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh as he reminds us that the power of choice lies within each of us.


Let's harness it, make conscious decisions, and live our lives through the transformative power of choice.

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Small Acts, Big Impact


Ever wondered how tiny choices have the power to shape us into more disciplined individuals?


Think about flossing: a decision between feeling comfortable right away and keeping yourself healthy for the long haul ... a simple way to practice discipline.


In our Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh will discuss how discipline means choosing between what we want now and what we want most.

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Embracing Life’s Challenges


We are all fishermen with our own fishing rods in life.


Sometimes, the weather gets bad, and the sea gets rough but, in the end, it's those who never lose sight of their dreams that find the greatest rewards.


Catch Dr. Nathan Unruh on the latest Monday Morning Mindset episode, where he drives home the point that success isn't just hitting targets. It's about handling life's challenges with grace and discovering fulfillment along the way.

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Turning Knowledge Into Action


We often hear the phrase "knowledge is power," but have you ever wondered what that really means?


In a world where information is readily available, it's tempting to think that knowledge alone suffices.


In this episode of Monday Morning Mindset, Dr. Nathan Unruh highlights the essence of applied knowledge and its true potential.

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Can Your Alarm Clock Change Your Life?


Ever considered that your alarm clock could serve a greater purpose than just waking you up?


Instead of groaning at its sound, view it as your signal to seize the day.


Join Dr. Nathan Unruh this Monday Morning Mindset as he discusses the Opportunity Clock.


Discover how maximizing every moment can enhance your day.


Remember, embracing opportunities leads to a better life.

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Taking Care of Your Mind's Garden


What if you could flip the switch from negativity to positivity?


Think of each negative thought as a weed to be uprooted and replaced with a positive seed. It's a gradual process, requiring patience and dedication.


Ready to boost your mind? Join Dr. Nathan Unruh as he tackles tips for a brighter outlook and a healthier mindset!

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The Power of Progress


Are you chasing Perfection or Progress?


When we're fixated on being perfect, every action we take is scrutinized through the lens of achieving flawless results. This mindset often leads to a paralyzing fear of making mistakes or failing.


Join Dr. Nathan Unruh in this Monday Morning Mindset as he discusses the value of progress in the pursuit of success.


Once again, perfection or progress? Let's find out who you are.

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Mindset Shift for Success


Have you ever felt stuck, blaming external factors for your lack of progress? Imagine a person frustrated with failure, crumpling a paper in defeat and contrast that with someone deeply contemplating their next move over a cup of coffee.


The difference? Approach. Tune in to this exciting episode of Monday Morning Mindset, where Dr. Nathan Unruh reveals the secrets to transforming our lives through a fresh approach. When we change our approach, we change our results. Are you ready to embrace that change?

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The Key to Joy is Appreciation


Taking a moment to appreciate the blessings we possess can change our whole mindset.


Come along with Dr. Nathan Unruh on this Monday Morning Mindset as he shares a tip on how we can make our lives happier.


And always keep in mind, happiness isn't about what we'll have someday ... it's about cherishing what we've got right in front of us.

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