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What’s Ahead for Us

As I look ahead to 2025, I find several areas I would like to call your attention to: candlesticks, AI, and President Elect Donald Trump. All three obviously had their impact in 2024, but will continue to be influences in 2025.

One of my favorite ‘go to’ Passages in Scripture is Revelation Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. This is where the candlesticks are put in question by Jesus. The candlesticks are the light that these Churches give as they minister on behalf of Jesus. Several times during His seven messages, He warned the Churches that if they did not repent and change their ways, that their candlestick would be removed.  Basically, this is a sign of judgment, inferring that judgement begins at the house of God.

1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News?

The Church has been predominately providing audiences with messages stoking the fires of hope, mercy, grace, and strengthening the Church with truth. However, we have not been as intentional in telling the other side of God’s Word which is His judgment. That message does not build audiences or sells books; however, God always warns us before He acts.

Amos 3:7 Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.

We must see the whole picture of God’s message to us … His promises and His warnings. Ahead, we will see more candlesticks removed … a sign that He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. Read Revelation Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 to get the message about Jesus and the candlesticks.

AI is our future. However, AI scares me because as cool as it appears now, it will be used to create a world of deception. With the perfection of technology (the new Babel), we will be able to create false images that will mislead by seeing and hearing lies created by Artificial Intelligence. One preacher already has been a victim of AI sounding like him to make statements that are morally wrong. It sounds like the preacher, and we all know if we have a recording as proof, even if it was artificially created, that is enough to indict someone in the media. We know that there will be a numbering system in the last days that will be required to buy or sell. World economies will be affected, and everyone will sign on to this worldwide system. This system could only be possible because AI will be used to manage and protect money, safety, and control all ideas relevant to a changing world. Its power to calculate and precisely execute will quickly become the new god of the future. AI will not be as friendly as we think today.

Lastly, I think as we look ahead, Donald Trump will bring some refreshing changes to our country and the world. His second term will bring new faces to power and new systems put in place that will be more reasonable and a shift away from the craziness of the last four years. However, his return to the White House will not be a cake walk, he will face unbelievable push back because the ‘swamp’ is a very dark place, and powerful enemies still control aspects of its effect on all of us. As much as Donald Trump is respected, he is also hated to the same degree. He will be a target of darkness and will need all our prayers to stay the course he has outlined for a new America. It will not come about without a war. Donald Trump will not be our Savior, and we must respect his position, but not elevate him beyond a good politician.  Some I know who are writing on social media have made admonitions not to make him out to be more than a political figure God has placed in power for this time. To me, it is a time to rebuild, to challenge the status quo of our country, and to make changes to ensure the influence of America continues into the next decade or two. I do not think we will ever see days where we won’t have to be on guard and ready to defend our beliefs as Christians. As long as the devil is free to roam, we will always be in a fight to defend our faith. Donald Trump may be in office and many rejoice, but the battle is not over … not by a long shot.

As believers, I think the next years will be rebuilding years, to revise things in us and in the Church that do not represent the God of the Bible. We will need to review what is stale and ineffective both in our spiritual practices and beliefs, and make the sacrifices necessary to install a new dedication to God. The corporate ministries and Churches will need to review how they have delegitimized the power of the Holy Spirit and His Work in the ministry. The Church is not powerful because it is big … it is powerful because the Holy Spirit is working in people, and leadership will need to change to make that a reality. Teaching will need to change; it will no longer be about denominations, doctrines will not be Biblical mandates, and egos of leaders who want to be served rather than to serve, will need to be modified.

I am not negative about the Church, but I just see too many similarities to what Jesus said to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation. That is why I ask you to read and study those two Chapters and in doing so, let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the changes that are needed in the Church. A new year is a good time for change.

The future belongs to God … it is time we return ourselves to Him.


Challenging the Culture with Truth … Larry Kutzler


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