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Pursuer of What?

Jeremiah 29:13-14 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.


Hebrews 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. 


In my mind, one of the main ideas of discipleship is the process of pursuit. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there you will find your heart." What has your heart been pursuing? Who is the focus of all your lists of goals, and objectives? Is the focus on your fulfilling all those 'personal best' lists? I would imagine that you are the focus, which is normal because everyone wants to be accomplished and live a fulfilling fruitful life. I get that, but if God is placed on your list, things can change. Pursuing God, seeking Him, and becoming aware that everything comes from God.


1 Chronicles 29:14 But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us!


When you get this perspective, you begin to realize you may be prioritizing the wrong order of things. I do think our lists of goals and dreams are good things … they just become a problem when God is not first. If it is true, that all things come from Him, then the obvious objective is to first pursue Him and to put Him at the top of your pursuits, allowing Him to lead and guide you through the minefield of fulfillment.


There is one woman on Facebook I follow, and even though I know her, I know her pursuits even more, because she indicates by her posts she pursues God. She speaks continually of God, His Word, and how it is affecting her life. To me, that is a sure sign of what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ … a disciple.


What does it look like to pursue God? 


  • Pursuing service, rather than selfish living

  • Pursuing honor for others, rather than seeking it

  • Pursuing forgiveness, rather than holding a grudge

  • Pursuing love, rather than hatred

  • Pursuing understanding and wisdom, rather than opinions

  • Pursuing moral standards, rather than immorality

  • Pursuing being an accomplished witness, rather than a pew dweller.

  • Pursuing a life of prayer, rather than a complainer in life

  • Pursuing a life of worship, rather than accepting life at face value

  • Pursuing His word with a voracious spirit to consume truth, rather than just going to church


Most importantly beyond all these is the pursuit of Christ in me. He in me will make a difference in my pursuit. That is the goal of all discipleship, isn’t it? To be like Christ in word, thought, and deed. Remember, we outwardly show what is happening inwardly, nothing is more telling about a person’s pursuits than the way they live out their lives. No matter how perfect we may seem in our knowledge of God, nothing speaks louder than a heart of humility. Humility doesn’t just happen. It is the accumulation of years of pursuing God, and then you understand what humility is all about. You then realize that nothing is about you … it's all about Him, which is the result of the pursuit of God.


That is why the pursuit of life must begin with God. Life is all about God, nothing can supersede Him in any way. If fulfillment and happiness are on your list of goals, start with God. If success and prosperity are your goals, then start with God because all are poor without God. If influence and education are your God, then start with the wisdom and truth that is God.


Pursuing the right things will end in the right result. God is the right pursuit and I hope this challenge will help you to pursue Him.


Challenging the Culture with Truth … Larry Kutzler


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